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The weight of apostolic ministry and the power to bring transformation rests in two

facets: proclamation and demonstration. A revival or move cannot and will not be

sustained solely on demonstration. Throughout the years, the enemy has successfully

stripped the supernatural away from much of the western church. There is a radical new

breed arising who will act as a catalyst for the return of supernatural ministry to the

forefront of modern Christianity.

Moments of great miracles, signs, wonders and phenomena of God can break open an

outpouring. God mantles apostolic leaders with a mantle of the supernatural. The

Apostle Paul, one of the great thinkers of his day, boldly proclaimed DEMONSTRATION

was one of the cornerstones of his revival ministry.

My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but

in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. 1 Cor. 2:4

Paul was a brilliant religious scholar who could offer explanation of the deepest things of

God, yet he advocated a realm of ministry that explored and manifested the

supernatural. It was not just what people HEARD but also what they SAW and

EXPERIENCED that changed their lives.

Proclamation and revelation are key components of the apostolic mantle. A move,

revival or transformation cannot be sustained by demonstration alone. This is one of the

weaknesses in many modern revival movements. It is a river without a bank. People are

in the splash zone but the waters spill all over and are not sustained. An encounter can

break open a move but revelatory preaching and teaching is what will build, fuel and

sustain that move. We need these power twins of demonstration and proclamation in

the current revival movement. Paul had an ongoing prayer request that completely

fascinates me.

Pray for me, that the power to speak may be given to me, that I may open my

mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:19

His request was that he would effectively receive and communicate the mystery of the

gospel. He was asking people to join their faith with him that he would release the

scrolls of heaven! That he would not just speak a message from his head but that he

would tap the deeper realms of God and communicate from a place of revelation.

Phillip went down to Samaria and preached Jesus with great demonstration! It was not

so much his words but the tangible flow of God that brought the city into a

transformative move of God.

Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ to them. When the

crowds heard Philip and saw the miracles which he did, they listened in unity to what he

said. For unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed. And many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was much joy in that city. Acts 8:5-8

The region was bowing under the full weight of the Kingdom! People were being

dramatically healed and delivered. This is one of the critical dimensions of revival and

awakening ministry! There must be supernatural manifestations of the Kingdom of God.

After the revival broke out, a sorcerer showed up. The enemy will always attempt to stir

opposition and there are always snakes that try to jump out of the fire. There will be

resistance from the outside and resistance on the inside! People on the front lines of

revival will be confronted by their own mind and emotions as the fire burns hotter to

another level. The fire brings things good, bad and ugly to the surface! Real fire of

awakening is also fire of purification!

But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he

appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap. Malachi 3:2

Phillip was not distracted by the sorcery but kept preaching Jesus so that awakening

continued in the city!

Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received

the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. When they came down, they

prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, for still He had come on none of

them. They were only baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their

hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17

The Apostles were sent to Samaria to unfold another dimension of awakening:

proclamation and revelation. This is vital! They added the banks to the river so that the

flow would continue. This is much needed in revival and awakening ministry today.

There has been such a void of Holy Spirit movement in much of the church that we are

tempted to move in the Spirit and demonstrate without any proclamation. Yet, both are

vital to release the culture of heaven and maintain the move. Without these two

components, we will have eruptions in regions that quickly fade and do not advance the

Kingdom. The Apostles came and established the people in truth so that there was a

second wave after the miracles; the Holy Spirit began filling people. There was a glory

wave that was unlocked by their teaching! Power to sustain the move was released.

The sorcerer arose a second time and tried to buy the anointing but the Apostles

rebuked him! They did not allow a snake to jump out of the fire and stop the flow. In the

midst of a move you will have to shake off some snakes. You will have to confront some

things but you must stay focused and keep going. I always say that apostles and

prophets are willing to confront what others tolerate. This was the case in this example,

the Apostles hit it head on and rebuked that demon power.

This current move of God must have the life-giving river of demonstration! Much of the

ekklesia has been dry and void of supernatural power for far too long! Radical signs,

wonders and miracles hold the potential to break open a move of God in a territory;

however, this is only one half of the apostolic mantle in awakening. We must also have

revelatory proclamation to direct and maintain the flow. I believe that a generation of

building agents of awakening are arising with a twofold flow; they will DEMONSTRATE

the glory realms of God and they will also COMMUNICATE the oracles of God.

Awakening will not just be a Moment but a Movement!

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